First Half of US History

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Pages: 38
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Essay Database > History > North American History
1. The means and methods and reasons for the founding of the first English colonies - By the sixteenth century, many countries, including Spain, France and the Netherlands, had established colonies in the New World. Until the foundation of Jamestown, however, the English didn't have any successful permanent colonies in North America. - Prior to Jamestown, Sir Walter Raleigh of the Sea Dogs formed a joint stock company and received a charter to found a colony …

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…two English traders [not by Pequots], which caused an English raid on a Pequot village. The Pequots then attacked in April 1637, and a Massachusetts Bay expedition responded by burning the main Pequot town and pretty much wiping them out. - For the next 30 years the Indians allowed the Europeans to spread over their territory, although they never blended into European society and most colonist didn't bother trying to convert them, with the exception of Joh