Fire Ants

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Fire ants have been in the United States for over sixty years, and almost every American that lives in or frequently visits the quarantined states which they inhabit has had an unpleasant run in with these troublesome critters. Inhabitants of the Southeast who have ever stood unwittingly atop a fire ant mound know that the insects are aptly named. When the ants sting it creates a sensation similar to scorching caused by a hot needle …

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…the Southern United States that reside in South Africa. As mankind destroys the rain forests of South America for cattle grazing, he has released things like the Hunta virus, and the Ebola virus in Africa. Both of these viruses could rapidly destroy populations. Mankind has made tremendous leaps in knowledge and technology during this century. If this use of that technology is not metered and controlled intelligently it may be the downfall of the mankind.