Finny the Great. This essay analyzes Earnest Hemingways Finny the Great.

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Throughout the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles, there were two dominant characters. Gene who is the narrator and Finny who is Gene's best friend have a great relationship shown in A Separate Peace. Finny whose real name is Phineas has three qualities, manipulation, athleticism, and is a strong leader. Manipulation is shown all through the novel by Finny and is one of his best assets that he has. We see his manipulation skills …

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…of the Summer Session. Without Phineas using his charismatic attitude, athleticism and his leadership skills the novel would be very boring. Finny `s charismatic attitude shown all throughout the novel helps him get the things he wants and has excitement in the novel. His athleticism makes him competitive and makes up the game of the summer blitzball. Finny has great leadership skills so he can manipulate people and get what he wants from his friends.