Finland's Internal & External Migration

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Finland (Finnish name Suomi) is a republic and is situated in northern of Europe between the 60th and 70th parallels of latitude. The population of Finland is 5.2 million people and it is the sixth largest country in area in Europe (CIA The World Factbook). The Finns have had a lot of history of internal and external migration in which their population has both increased one year and decreased the next. In 1155 Finland became a part …

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…Finland" Statistics Finland, June 13, 2003. 3.<Tab/>"History of Finland" Nationmaster, May 12, 2003. 4.<Tab/>"Finland's History" Usenet Newsgroup, Feb. 27, 2001. <> 5.<Tab/>"Finland" Virtual Finland, Factsheet Finland 2001. <>