Films By: Kevin burdick : How novels are turned into films and the difficulties of making a film from a novel.

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There are many films created from novels now a days, but many changes are usually carried out. There are probably some alternations made because the author and the director have various interpretations and ideas, which fluctuates some areas of each representation. When directors are making films from novels they have more pressure. They have deal with limitations of time and money, they have to make sure that even after adding their own opinions the plot …

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…and money a director has to create a film. This essay has also shown the various interpretations writers and directors have for a production. An author may not put any intensity into a scene, but when a filmmaker sees it he or she may see the necessary action and fill it in. Now the substantial diversities have been stated between the novel written by S.E.Hinton and the film directed by Francis Ford Coppala.