Film Review: Platoon, "Fighting for a Different Cause"

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"I can't believe we're fighting each other when we should be fighting them." This is a thought from Chris, the main character of the film Platoon. It refers to men who were supposed to be fighting the Vietcong, but instead are fighting their fellow soldiers. The world is made up of people with differing views on everything, including how to treat others. Some people can be fighting for the same cause with different takes on …

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…Elias smiles at Barnes in a friendly, kind way. Barnes goes on to shoot Elias. This scene informs us that Barnes absolutely despised Elias because he was so innocent. Not only that, it reveals how truly evil Barnes is, while the smile on Elias' face represented his sense of goodness. Of all the scenes in the film, this scene moist powerfully reveals the hatred between Barnes and Elias, two men fighting together for different reasons.