Film Review: El Norte.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Film Review: "El Norte" The film "El Norte" directed by Gregory Nava in 1983 depicts the turmoil and struggle faced by those who fled to the United States to escape execution by the Guatemalan army. Nava centers the film around a brother and sister pair named Enrique and Rosa who are trying to make it to the United States from Central America. The film is divided into three parts. The first part titled "Arturo" introduces the …

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…and illustrated very poignantly the struggles and hardships that many Latin Americans had to go through in order to survive in the United States. The ending of the film however was rather sad because Enrique lost his sister who was his only surviving family member and also Enrique ends up becoming what his father had died to protect him from being, "a pair of arms to the rich" when he takes the manual labor job.