Film Noir and German Expressionism in: "Batman" and "Citizen Kane"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the films, "Batman" (1989), directed by Tim Burton, and "Citizen Kane" (1941), directed by Orson Welles, there are many Codes and Structures of German Expressionism and Film Noir. The films show these through the institution of the American family, masculinity, history of colonialism and colonization, and Film Noir and German Expressionism. In the film Batman, the institution on the American family is similar. This is because Alfred (actor Michael Gough) would be acting as Bruce Wayne's--also …

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…turned into a mean and selfish person. It is also rooted because it contains morally complex characters, such as Charles Foster Kane who changed drastically throughout the course of the film. In the films, Batman, and Citizen Kane the Codes and Structures of German Expressionism and Film Noir were very clear. The films showed these clearly through the institution of the American family, masculinity, history of colonialism and colonization, and Film Noir and German Expressionism.