Filipino History

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Essay Database > History
filipino history in the u.s. According to the U.S. census, there are approximately 9 million people living in America who are of Asian descent. Twenty-three percent of that are of Chinese ancestry; 20% are Filipino; 12% are Asian Indian; and Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese each share about 10%. It is expected that by the year 2000, Filipinos will be the largest Asian Pacific Islander group. In the state of California, there are more Filipinos than there are of …

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…is here in America. Let us not forget that because of our "navy connection", whether we are white, black, brown, Asian, or Latino, we have contributed to this country. Did anyone tell you that you are what make the U. S. Navy the best it can be? Remember, it's not just a job, it's an adventure. And as the saying goes, "Fair winds and following seas". "Maraming salamat po sa iyo". Thank you very much.