Fighting in Front of Your Child

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fighting In Front of Your Child In a marriage, the occasional argument between parents is reasonable and even expected in a healthy family. Even though this may be true, living in a battleground of continual hostility and unresolved conflict can place a heavy psychological burden on the children. Traumatic events like screaming, fighting, arguing, or violence can cause many emotional and behavioral problems for the child. Parents are role models for their children. When children …

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…and upset, and that they can have differences, and still get along. On the other hand, when children witness hostility, such as screaming or physical contact between their parents, the child can suffer many negative consequences. In cases such as this, parent should seek counseling and avoid disagreements in front of their children. Though it may be difficult, working together in this way will spare the child the harm caused by continued bitterness and anger