Fight against Modern Day Slavery

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Nothing is more disturbing than the documented history of the way humans have horribly treated other humans. In Stephen Spielberg's film the "Amistad", he tells the story of a group of Africans in 1839 who are illegally sold into slavery and then rebelled against their capturers. The Africans go through many obstacles such as dealing with the unfamiliar language barrier and trying to learn the American court system as their fate and freedom is on the …

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…Humanistic Tradition Book 5, Faith, Reason, and Power in The Early Modern World. New York, McGraw-Hill 2002 News-Press, The. News, Bonita Springs - July 19, 2005, Task force to investigate slavery <Tab/> <Tab/> United Nations, Office of Drugs and Crime, Terrorisms, Corruption & Human Trafficking <Tab/>FAQ, Background to the Protocol.