Fight Club (includes annotated bibliography) Attempt at analysing the popular film. Rather childish - I was very young then.)

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Fight Club The movie begins as Jack, the protagonist, is trapped in a state of insomnia by his job at calculating the cost of recalling a faulty car as opposed to paying court settlements to the relatives of the people killed by that car. He then recommends the one that seems less expensive. While he tries to argue with a doctor about how he can start sleeping, the doctor happens to make a sarcastic remark …

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…even mention certain events at all. Braun, Bill, "Auto dealership vandal released after finishing 'bootcamp'", World Staff Writer final home edition (date not given) This, among other articles, outlined or mentioned the violent and anti-social effects that the film seemed to have on the younger adults and adolescents, such as forming their own little fight clubs or vandalism. Uhls, Jim Fight Club screenplay available at club_shoot.txt