Fifth Business

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Many people dislike a certain individual when they meet or exceed certain predefined criteria. In the novel FIFTH BUSINESS by Robertson Davies, the antagonist, Percy Boyd Staunton, performs a number of incidents, which leads one to dislike him. He denies his guilt of throwing a snowball, happily displays nude pictures of his wife, and commits adultery. In his early childhood, Boy throws a paperweight concealed in a snowball at Mrs. Dempster. Towards the end of …

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… committing adultery and disrespecting his children are some of the many occurrences that Boy Staunton experiences, which would be reasons why a reader would be directed to dislike him. If Boy tries to follow the saying "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value," he would probably win the hearts of many instead of being the man who is led to be disliked by all.