Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution

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FIDEL CASTRO Fidel Castro Ruz was born on august 13 1926 in Biran, Cuba. His family, owning sugar plantations, were fairly wealthy, this money providing him with extensive education oppurtunities. In 1945 Castro gained a law degree after attending the University of Havana and started a practice, devoting himself to serving the poor. Castro had always been a rebel, his main interest in university being politics, involving himself in various protest groups. In 1952 he intended to run for …

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…Havana and take power. This success may not have occurred if the measures taken by Castro had differed and he had not been so determine in his mission of revolution. There were many difficult stages for Castro in which he could have easily backed down and Cuba would not have seen a successful revolution. However, Castro did not break under pressure, instead his defeat seemed to only make him stronger and more driven to conquer.