Fidel Castro

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Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on January 13, 1926. He was an illegitimate child of Angel Castro y Argiz, an immigrant worker from spain and Lina Ruz Gonzalez. Fidel grew up in the mountainous region of Oriente province. As a boy, Fidel worked in the family?s sugar cane fields and, at 6 years old he convinced his parents to send him to school. When Fidel turned 7 years old, Angel Castro married Fidel?s mother so that …

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…island with Fidel?s permission. The crisis ended when the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its nuclear weapons from Cuba in exchange for a pledge that the United States would no longer try to overthrow Fidel?s regime. Fidel was visibly upset and humiliated about the defeat. As the missiles were leaving the island, Castro?s tongue exploded with every curse word Fidel could think of. This event is known as ?The Cuban Missile Crisis?.