"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
"Fern Hil"l is a double-sided poem.The firs side is the most obvious ,which is simply the story he is telling , the second is more hidden , with a a message behind.I am oging to find th edifferent way in which he tries to convey this message. In the five stanzas, Dylan Thomas has a different approach towards his childhood in comparaison to the last stanza. We see this due to the different figures …

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…that in the first five stanzas of Fern Hill , he uses nature as a pleasing memory of childhood, but we can see in this last stanza, instead of reveling the memory of childhood can only conjure pain. Dylan Thomas found this feeling whilist writing the poem we can conclued that he dinds first the regret of his blindness of time going by in his childhood ,but in the same time fear for what waits him.