Feminism in the movies

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Feminism in the Crime Film Genre Throughout motion picture history, women have experienced more transition in their roles, as a result of changing societal norms, than any other class. At first, both society and the movie industry preached that women should be dependent on men and remain in the home, in order to guarantee stability in the community and the family. As time passed and attitudes changed, women were beginning to be depicted as strong …

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…Goodnight (Renny Harlin 1996), have emulated the strong, seductive leading role that Bonnie & Clyde helped! define. It also helped further that idea that women can hold their own in the crime film genre, both in the box office and by public opinion, and through its innovation may have supported the production of such preceding all-women crime films such as Thelma & Louise (Ridley Scott 1991), Set It Off (F. Gary Gray 1996) and Bound (The Wachowski Brothers 1996). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**