Feminism: Describe the Women' Movement in Australia between the 1970's and 1990's.

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Essay Database > History
The wheels for women's movement started rolling in the United States of America in the year 1967. The main objective that the political and social movement was trying to achieve was to gain equality between men and women in society. As the movement began, people directly involved were known as the "women's libbers" which really meant the Women's liberationists. They were classified as women's liberationists because they wanted to liberate women doe their stereotype, traditional roles …

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…of European migrants after World War 2 changed Australian society and the way Australians thought of themselves. Asian migrants have already bought a new element to religious life. Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are all part of Australia's society now. 5.<Tab/>Health - Asian cultures have contributed to Australian health a fair deal. Australians are willing to try Asian ways of improving their health, ways of doing this involve, Chinese medicine, meditation, acupuncture.