Females in the Juvenile Justice System

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Essay Database > Law & Government
After visiting several websites in regards to the treatment of females in the justice system led me to the conclusion that the real problem isn't what happens inside the system so much as what happens as a result of being the system. In other words the real injustice happens after the women serve their sentences and are released into a world that will forever portray them as criminals or lowlifes. I think that is where …

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…as well as assigning Juvenile Probation Officers to handle all-girl caseloads. Some of our detention centers also offer girl-only psycho-educational groups, and other centers have adopted programs such as the Girl Scouts and Girls Advocacy Project, which focus on a wide range of issues specific to girls. It is these types of programs that help the young women entering the juvenile system to be a part of the 73% that never return on a new crime.