Female Roles in Modern Society

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The world today has changed in many aspects of gender related life styles. Yet there is an area of improvement in the focus of gender: based on labour and the patriarchial working woman. The class society have a great impact on the relation women have with men. The different theories and definitions help to understand the relationship of the construction of the gender. Feminism has a great impact on the gender role in our society. …

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…problems about how to combine female aspirations, conventions, even dress, with what was necessary to be one of the boys. One unfortunate result of this development, however, was that it slanted aspirations away from those areas where women had previously excelled - style, grace, domesticity, the cultivation of intimacey-towards activities where male strength and competitiveness gave men an advantage (Haste 268). Unfortunately such reactive critics failed to ppreciate the difficulties of fighting those very past battles.