Female Representation in the Canadian Government

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Since the success of the Women's Suffrage movement that occurred between 1880-1920, the "second wave" of the women's movement has become a central focus of analysis and debate. Although female representation has gradually improved over the past +50 years, an unbalanced proportionate of power for women involved within Canadian political structures continues to be a reality. "Women constitute over half of the Canadian electorate, yet they account for less than one-quarter of Canadian legislators, Cabinet ministers, …

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…a slight, non-beneficial influence on Canadian political policies as a whole. Fortunately, the strong-willed female youth of this upcoming political era have appeared to more be more interested in traditionally male roles in Canadian politics and less willing to accept mistreatment based on gender. This "critical mass" of upcoming women as they enter politics, some argue, will help ensure that women's voices are heard and their input is influential in the making of public policy.