Female Genital Mutilation as Violation of Human Rights

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
To define the word "social injustice" it is necessary to look at each word. Social means "of or relating to human society" and, injustice means "the violation of right or of the rights" . So as one, the word would mean the violation of right or of the rights of or relating to human society. To put this into simpler terms, it is the wrongful harming of a human and/or their society. Identifying an aspect …

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…Services Letter (2004)4. Female Genital Mutilation act 2003. 15.<Tab/>Webb e., Hartley,B (1994) Female Genital Mutilation - a dilemma in Child Protection. archives of Disease in Childhood. Vol.70 16.<Tab/>Lightfoot-Klein; (1989). Prisoners of Rituals: an Odssey into FGM in africa. Harrington Park Press. New York. 17.<Tab/>Momoh, C. (2000). Female Genital Mutilation also known as Female Circumcision: Information for Health Care Professional. Guys and St Thomas Hospital.