Female Genital Mutilation

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Introduction Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a ritual of initiation that is performed on young girls to take them from childhood into womanhood. It is practiced predominantly in Islamic cultures of Africa and the Middle East. The practice is widespread throughout twenty-eight African countries and affects 130 million women (Mackie.1998: 1). Religion has been a means to justify female circumcision. The majority of circumcised women in the world are Muslim who practices FGM under a religious pretext. …

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…Africa and Ritual Female Genital Mutilation in Africa [http://www.fgmnetwork.org/intro/mgmfgm.html] Accessed June 2000. Lightfoot-Klein, H. 1989. The Sexual Experience and Marital Adjustment of Genitally Circumcised and infibulated Females in the Sudan [http://www.fgmetwork.org/Lightfoot/experience.doc. Accessed June 2000. Mackie, G 1998 A Way to End Female Genital Cutting [http://www..fgmnetwork.org/articles/mackie 1998.html]. Accessed May 2000. Rathus,A. Nevid,S. and Rathus, L. Essentials of Human Sexuality 1998.Viacon Company:USA.