Female Connections.

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Essay Database > Literature
After reading Anna Kuchment's "The More Social Sex", it has come to mind that the depth in a woman-woman friendship is much deeper than the depth of a male-male friendship. When you look at society, often times men are seen as the more necessary creature. His views on politics are always better, he is always the strongest, and lately, as seen on Emerald Live, his cooking is even better; "BAM!" talk about a blow to …

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…not get in the way of my friendships, and I am willing to listen, even if it does make my day seem a little worse. The female sex is not the more socially accepted sex, and I accept that, but we are the less shallow and more nurturing sex. When is the last time you saw a guy turn to his buddy, make a grunting noise and get a fork and a napkin in return?