"Feeding the Flames" Written in response to the prompt: Can we learn from history? Discusses the reign of Hitler and the Holocaust.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
With a lock of hair falling over his forehead and a square little mustache on his often, somber face, Adolf Hitler seemed to the public a comical figure when he first entered politics. He was a public speaker who ranted and raved until his voice was hoarse and sweat dripped from his brow. Hitler was an evil genius. With the help of fanatic disciples and gullible masses, he profoundly changed Germany and the political face …

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…take its lessons to heart and compare its beginnings with our own actions. How far will we allow others to go before we speak up? How far will we allow ourselves to go? We cannot change the past, so what we are left with? In the end, we are left with a knowledge of the wrongs human beings can inflict upon each other, and a hope that we can learn from what we have done.