Federalists and anti-federalists

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The intent of this essay is to show different viewpoints of federalists and anti-federalist colonists and how they were overcome by compromises to form our constitution. It is important to first understand that the birth of our nation is a result of two major events, which we call founding moments. It all began when various unfair and inconsistent policies of England had changed Colonists goodwill towards the imperial power. Colonists felt abandoned, persecuted and betrayed …

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…federalists by guarding the right to bear arms, limited central government's right to keep troops at home, banned unreasonable and cruel punishment. The first amendment also assured freedom of speech and of the press. It also protected rights f citizens to assemble and petition and prohibit congress from meddling in exercise of religion By securing these freedoms both Federalists and Anti-federalists came together and created solutions which gave way to final approval of the constitution.