Federalism: Do States Have the Right to Restrict Illegal Immigration?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Federal law regulates immigration to the United States but they expect the States to pay for the immigrants once they are here, without being able to set their own limitations. In the end of the twentieth century immigrants came in record numbers, mostly effecting California, Texas and New York. California's border with Mexico provides entry into the United States for thousands of illegal immigrants every year. They cross rivers on foot or travel in the …

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…American citizenship is another policy option, although a rather costly one, as, employers would have to have machines that could read the card and be able to match the fingerprints. Placing a penny increase on both cigarettes and alcohol could be one of the measures used to help finance these costs. Everyone in the U.S. will have to provide this card in order to take up a new job or receive any government benefits.