Feature article on "Billy Elliot" directed by Stephen Daldry.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Decisions, decisions... From Coal Dust Into a Lake of Swans A year 12 student, examines various worlds of Billy Elliot. All in all, we all have to make decisions. They are either straightforward or challenging. One of my hardest decisions was coming to Australia. As a child I remember my grandmother telling me stories. Even though I was little, I listened to them and understood them. They took me to a completely different world. It was …

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…the person initially had. For Billy this change was positive while for the man in the cartoon the change was negative. So as we go and live and make decisions in our everyday life, the time comes closer and closer towards our HSC. And that's when we all make the most important decisions in our life. One day I will be proud of my decision, even though I don't listen to my grandma's stories anymore.