Feature FIlm - The Castle

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Besides providing entertainment, feature film may present powerful comments on society as a whole. This is the case in the film, The Castle, in which attitudes and values of "The Typical Aussie Battler" are portrayed against high powered government authorities. It is often noticeable that these attitudes and values presented give society an understanding of itself and the larger world. In The Castle, attitudes and values towards belongings has been developed through the use of …

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…lawyer uses a lot of technical phrases, speaks fluently and in a calm tone. This supports the argument that being educated doesn't give you the world, while also providing humour to the viewer. As it can be stated, feature film provides strong social comments, while presenting entertainment. In The Castle, it comments on the fact that society should value what they already have, not what they already want, while providing an enjoyable and humorous experience.