Feature Article on Consumerism

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Oh my God, not another handbag. My hand grips the railing with battled self-control until my knuckles turn white and I get a curious cramping sensation. Ever since I was little I've had an obsession with handbags and this one, with its soft leather and exquisite handicraft was tempting me, calling me, just one quick look. Doesn't necessarily mean I'll end up buying it. NO! Self control, breathe in breathe out. You can do it, …

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…imposed upon him by 'caring' relatives. 'Even adding a healthy tan' expresses how society falsifies something given by nature, and that to be acceptable it must be artificially produced which creates further alienation from nature, and this forces the individual to be a consumer until the end of his life. Dawe employs irony, juxtaposition of conflicting words to create a satirical effect that even in death the protagonist still hasn't escaped the influence of consumerism.