Feature Article: Toilet Talk - The New Generation

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Andy Griffiths orientates his readers with the acceptable literary phrasing, "This is my story. It really happened. It's all true." These first words read upon opening a copy of "The Day My Bum Went Psycho" lead children to believe that the story links to reality. A story of deranged, maniacal bums detaching themselves from their owners, and running away in an attempt of world domination... or 'bummification' as Griffiths has expressed it, transfers to reality …

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…of literary genius. This will be our tomorrow, unless someone prevents it today. For now though, I must bitterly and tragically rejoin the population as a victim of pop culture. What else is a teenager to do? Before I do though, I must leave you with this thought, the threat of a possible tomorrow... it may not be long before teenagers greet each other in ways such as "May your bum be with you always."