Fear! speech which delves into what fear is and how it affects peoples day to day living.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Lying underneath the covers, trying hard not to breathe. Trying hard not to let them know I am here. Plagued by the thought of their wickedness and immortality. The lights no longer illuminate what was once a place of safety and warmth. A place I knew I could not feel pain or be on the receiving end of anger. But now I am vulnerable, as every shape becomes the monster luring me into his trap …

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…may not be the greatest good.' There is therefore, no reason that Roosevelt said' the only thing you must fear is fear itself. Whenever we are struck by fear, we are standing at a fork in the road. One branches off and leads to cowardice, the other to courage. One fork leads to our destined dreams and the other to a room of darkness. A life spent in fear is a life half lived.