Fast Times at Ridgemont High: The Rose-Tinted World

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
There is no doubt that Fast Times At Ridgemont High is an intelligent, entertaining, and most importantly, realistic look at high school life of the early 1980's. Sex, drugs, and carefree abandon run rife with the rosy tint with which any pubertal teen sees the world. However, just because that is the most common view of teenage life does not mean that a documentary-like narrative should be devoid of a view of what living looks …

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…who has ever gone through adolescence knows, life holds a lot more than affectionate love taps. Teacher comments: You are writing with great authority and passion. The use of the last quote of your conclusion deftly sets up your closing line. Be more explicit that the movie is trying to portray itself as both comedy and realism, and that is it's fault. Also, keep working the prose - avoid the 'there are' and 'it' construction.