Fashion in the 1970

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Style is independent of fashion. Those who have style can indeed accept or ignore fashion. For them fashion is not something to be followed, it is rather something to be set, to select from or totally reject. Style is spontaneous, inborn. It is the gloriously deliberate, unpremeditated but divine gift of the few. Spotlight on style, Vogue, 1 September 1976 Pre-empting the moment when punk clashed with the Queen's Silver Jubilee, Vogue used the A-word. 'You'll be …

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…to perform, disco will continue to be their stage.' Vogue viewed 'The 70s through the Looking Glass': 'this was the decade of onion dressing. We were into crypto stripping and there were moments of peek-a-boo.' Punk - aggressive, subversive and a complete shock to the system - was frequenting London's King's Road. In a club called The Blitz, a new style which involved piracy and pillaging, was being formed, cue the new romantics.