Fashion Empire

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Essay Database > Literature > English
It has been said that individuals act out the roles that are associated with their identities and positions in society. It states that people have to look the part to play the part. An ingenious statement because what people look like is often controlled by society and the positions they take (Crane 7). To succeed in today's society most people have to work. Since wrong first impressions are irreversible, an individual's knowledge, attitude, character, etc. will …

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…to adequately preform a job means it has gone too far. A way to control the power the fashion empire has could be through the media, mainly by moderating the amount of advertising and coverage given to fashion. All to often it's not surprising to turn on the television or open a magazine and see something on fashion. But in the big picture, fashion is truely the only luxury people can actually afford (Armani, quote).