Fascism in the United States (McCarthyism).

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Fascism in the United States A fascist regime is a system of government that distrusts reason, denies citizens of basic human equality, uses violence, censorship, and deceit to forcibly suppress all opposition, supports power given to an elite group, exploits racism, and emphasizes the importance of warfare. A fascist regime must also practice totalitarianism, or the controlling of all aspects of human life through institutionalized violence, chauvinism, and manipulation. Generally, when we think of the …

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…injustice was present. The only trace of democracy left in America during that era was the holding of free-elections. But was that trace of democracy fascist to some extent? Although the communists never posed a real threat in elections, they were banned from participating in elections and removed from political power. Thus, the only argument that saves America from total fascism is the fact that McCarthyism was never the official government of the United States.