Fascination of Knowledge

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fascination of Knowledge. What is fascination of knowledge? Well, according to dictionary.com, it can be defined as the "unseen, inexplicable influence" of knowledge on an individual. Personally, however, I would describe it as one of two things. Either a childish yearning, that appears in all kids as they witness something new, or a mere glance at an intricately woven web, in which the elements of life itself are tied together, and whose sight will "…

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…more or less of a hobby. By understanding the way life works, I am able to go anywhere are explain anything to fullest. It is what not only keeps me going at school, but what encourages me to learn more about in life. It is my way of living life to the fullest, by glance at that web of knowledge and understanding how everything is related to one another in the most intricate of ways.