"Farmingville" the movie.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
I would like to talk about Farmingville, a nationwide controversy that once surrounded a suburban community, and that had an expanding population of illegal immigrants. It happened in the late 1990's, 1,500 Mexican workers moved to the middle-class town of Farmingville the population was 15,000. I will discuss rising tensions, lawlessness, protest marches, and racism. I will also discuss the vicious hate crimes that tore the community apart. There were various groups presented in the documentary Mexican …

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…was to busy being selfish, showing no respect for another culture, judgmental, hypercritical. No one had any type of incite to say hey! Lets turn a negative into a positive. Farmingville residents should have tried to get to know them, get some type of handle on what is going on in a civilized manner. I have a feeling the situation would have turned out a lot different if someone would have just made and effort