Farewell To Arms.

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Book: Farewell to Arms By: Ernest Hemingway Quotation: "Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation. Although it ceased when the carabiniere put his hands on my collar. I would like to have had the uniform off although I did not care much about the outward forms. I had taken off the stars, but that was for convenience. It was no point of honor. I was not against them. I was through. …

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…the second one is just a sentence fragment. He writes with very precise and focused language. Hemingway has a way of using very strong and meaningful words and phrases, which create a very detailed image of what is going on. By using powerful and precise language, the reader can get a feel for how bad war and death can be. The intensity of Hemingway's action scenes will keep anyone on the edge of their seat.