Famous Aboriginals of Australi

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Cathy Freeman was born in Mackay in Queensland in 1973. She is a very good runner and won a scholarship to boarding school where she was able to have professional coaching. Freeman is the first Aboriginal sprinter to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games (1994). She also won a silver medal in the 1996 Olympic Games. She is very proud of her Aboriginal background and has carried the Australian and the Aboriginal flags around the track …

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…regardless of your ethnic background, regardless of your political belief, regardless of your religious beliefs we are all Australians." In 1998, shortly before the Constitutional Convention Neville Bonner announced he was dying of lung cancer but vowed to continue working. Neville Bonner died of lung cancer at Ipswich, Qld in February 1999. He was 76 when he died. He is survived by four of his five sons by his first marriage, his second wife Heather, and three stepchildren.