Family reunion that got screwed up.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
English 110 Masterpuppet Family reunion that got screwed up. Every year my mom's side of the family gathers for a family reunion at my godfather's house. My godfather's house located far out in the hot, muggy, populated neighborhood of Puerto Rico, where my family anticipates the grand event about to be rekindled once again, but I wasn't looking forward towards the event. With my family and friends about to reunite with each other, each family member …

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…We incurred expenses because of the trouble we went through. They said they were going to reimburse us for our inconveniences, but we never saw any money. A month later we finally received individual checks in the mail. The office manager deeply regretting what happened. She gave us each five hundred dollars to be used anywhere we would like. Finally, we all wrote a follow up letter to thank the office manager for the compensation.