Family Violence

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Violence, like charity, often begins at home. The roots and the causes of violent activity in people's lives frequently lie in their earliest experiences. It is well known that acts of aggression and assault go from generation to generation, and that dealing with the problems that arise from violent activities among members of families really means dealing with the familites themselves and understanding them from generation to generation. This paper deals wih the violent confrontations …

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…do anything to counteract it. The reader of this paper obviously wants to do good, or he or she wouldn't have picked yo the paper in the first place. If you can act upon these principles, you will ensure for yourself a sense of well-being and tranquility. You may also help others now and for generations in the future. Work Cited Kurland, Morton L. Coping with Family Violence. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 1986.