Family Matters

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Essay Database > Literature
Despair in Family Matters When one goes through a life of despair they exemplify various different characteristics. These characteristics are often negative, leading to the deterioration of many people's lives and relationships. In Rohinton Mistry's novel, Family Matters, the characters of Coomy Contractor, Yezad Chenoy and Nariman Vakeel are plagued with guilt, deceit, and past events that result in a life of despair. Coomy Contractor displays hostility as she has great difficulty putting past events …

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…suffers from Parkinson's disease and a past full of regret and guilt. He can never forget his first and only true love, Lucy, as memories of their past together torture him as he helplessly lies bedridden. This demonstrates how despair plays an integral role in the characters lives.A life of constant guilt, deceit and trickery can shatter one's hope of a better future ultimately leading to an inevitable life of sorrow, unhappiness and despair.