Family Dysfunction truth or fiction

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Dysfunctional Families: Myth Fact or Somewhere in Between? <Tab/>A dysfunctional family does not mean the family always is one way or the other. Normal, healthy families have problems just as dysfunctional families have. Each family deals with their problems in different ways; the healthy family tends to be able to not only deal with the situation, but be flexible enough to get over it and move on. Dysfunctional families are …

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…can come up. I now know several doctors and organizations that I can confront. If I see someone who I know that needs help to make their family have a healthier relationship, I will tell them where they can go to get all of the help that they may need. By getting help sooner, it will be much easier to have processes in order to solve the issues that are in hand in any family.