Falling Victim to the Past - A persuassive essay based on Martha Ostenso's "Wild Geese".

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Essay Database > Literature
In the novel, Wild Geese, by Martha Ostenso, the members of the Gare household struggle immensely under the oppressiveness of Caleb Gare, the father and Amelia Gare, the mother. The children of the Gare family face many obstacles, such as lack of voice, lack of control, and limited possibilities. Although Ostenso's Wild Geese is an award winning piece of literature, much of the novels significance and power has been lost over time. The control Caleb …

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…captive by the past and the children became subjected to both manipulation and abuse by the hands of those who were to protect them. Although the incidents which kept them captive, portrayed in the novel Wild Geese, by Martha Ostenso, are less powerful today, it has become evidently clear that greed, control, and secrecy can have destructive effects on an entire family. Work Cited Ostenso, Martha. Wild Geese. Ed. David Staines. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1961.