Fallen Hero

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Fallen Hero Traditional American feature films share the common characteristics of classical Hollywood cinema. In fictional films the main character is often portrayed as the hero that saves the day. However, the movie, Fallen contradicts this conventional way of cinema. The main character is a black detective that does not accomplish his goals in the end, and in turn receives no closure. Through examples of Mise en Scene, point-of-view shots, cinematography, lighting, editing, sound, narrative …

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…closure shows that the hero failed and the movie is left open-ended. In the movie Fallen, John Hobbes is described as the typical heroic figure throughout the narrative. This not so traditional American feature film proves this idea wrong in the end. Through examples of Mise en Scene, point-of-view shots, cinematography, lighting, editing, sound, narrative structure, motifs, and flashbacks it is proven that the role of the customary hero is challenged in the movie Fallen.