Fallacy Summary and Application

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The use of critical thinking requires one to understand how to comprehend an argument. Part of this comprehension includes the ability to recognize a logical fallacy in an argument. The understanding of logical fallacies will help one become a better critical thinker by enabling them to break apart an argument from an opponent and debate the argument by pointing out the flaws. In this paper three logical fallacies will be discussed: the false analogy, begging …

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…from http://www.fallacyfiles.org/begquest.html Bennett, D.J. (2004). Logic Made Easy. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Master List of Logical Fallacies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 25, 2006, from http://www.bedwardfamily.com/Commentary/Logical%20Fallacies.htm McVicar, N. (2004). Study Finds Cell Phones Could Cause Noncancerous Tumors. Scouted: Another Study Shows Link Between Cellphones And Acoustic Neuromas (Ear / Brain Tumor). Retrieved June 25, 2006, from http://www.mccmedia.com/pipermail/brin-l/Week-of-Mon-20041011/023912.html