Faith-expository essay

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Every living being possesses at least one type of faith in many diverse ways. It is defined by The American Heritage Student Dictionary that faith is "A loyalty, confidence, or trust in a person, thing, religion, or set of teachings, principals, or beliefs." The beginning of faith came when answers to questions were needed, and faith was placed in different ideas. It is therefore concluded that faith came before all else because only when faith …

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…Faith comes in different shapes and sizes, but in all it comes down to ones truth in beliefs. The faiths one put in others and the faith one has in ones self is the single most precise aspects of ones personality and being. Only when there is faith can there be love, joy, bliss, sadness, hate, peace, respect, friendship, freedom, or honor: for these exist only in the trust, confidence, and loyalty that is faith.