Failure of Politicians

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Failure of Politicians Focusing on Ideas 1. Some Northerners who were not opposed to slavery in the South wanted to keep it out of northern states and territories for many reasons. Northerners were not opposed to slavery in the South because they needed slavery to make money. The Northerners new it was wrong and that is why they did not want slavery to take place in the North and in the new territories. 2. The influence of …

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…arm the slaves. and let ehm fight for their won freedom. He freed about 30 slaves. 9. Fort Sumter- On march 4, 1861 Lincoln had to make one of the great decisions in American history. He discovered that if Fort Sumter did not receive food soon it would have to surrender. If he let the South have Fort Sunmter that would mean no civil war but it would also mean the end to the Union. Lincoln decided to stand