Fahrenhiet 451

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is a fascinating novel with many twists. This novel provides a glance into a bleak world similar to our own where war is common, feelings are shunned, family is non-existent, and thought is no longer a free right. Books have been banned, condemned to be burned on sight along with their owners. And who should be the policemen of this world of ignorance? The "firemen." Not unlike the firemen in our …

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…fugitives from a world of ignorance, condemned because they were different, because they thirsted for knowledge. These people take Montag in as one of their own as they travel away from the city, never to see it again. In Fahrenheit 451, the main character goes through extreme changes. By the end, Montag has finally found peace, at the price of his world. But maybe, he thinks, it was the world that was insane and not he?